Accessible Mega Menu jQuery Plugin

Accessible Mega Menu jQuery Plugin

Accessible Mega Menu (Not actively maintained) ========================= A demonstration of how to implement a keyboard and screen reader accessible mega menu as a jQuery plugin.…
Pull Down Menu in JavaScript

Pull Down Menu in JavaScript

This code implements a pull-down menu in JavaScript for mobile-friendly websites. It allows users to navigate between different sections on swipe-down/pull-down events. The menu is…
Bootstrap Mega Menu With CSS

Bootstrap Mega Menu With CSS

This CSS code snippet helps you to create a mega menu for Bootstrap projects. It extends the Bootstrap native navbar with a mega dropdown menu.…
Animated Responsive Dropdown

Animated Responsive Dropdown

This code snippet helps you to create an animated responsive dropdown menu. It uses media queries to make the menu responsive for screens with a…
Pure CSS Breadcrumb Navigation

Pure CSS Breadcrumb Navigation

This pure CSS code snippet helps you to create a simple breadcrumb navigation. It uses CSS before and after pseudo selectors to design arrow separators…
Simple Fixed Navbar in Bootstrap

Simple Fixed Navbar in Bootstrap

This code snippet helps you to create a simple fixed navbar in Bootstrap. It uses Bootstrap default navbar template with "navbar-fixed-top" class to make the…