Simple JavaScript Lightbox Gallery

Simple JavaScript Lightbox Gallery

An image lightbox is one of the popular components of a visual interface. It loads full-size images dynamically and displays them in a popup box.…
Background Slideshow HTML

Background Slideshow HTML

This HTML & CSS code snippet helps you to create a simple background image slideshow. It uses CSS background-image property to slide the images with…
Filter Image Gallery using Pure CSS

Filter Image Gallery using Pure CSS

This pure CSS code project helps you to create a simple filter image gallery. It uses HTML radio input to filter the images on checked/unchecked…
Product Gallery With Image Zoom

Product Gallery With Image Zoom

This gallery code snippet offers a straightforward solution for incorporating product image zoom and interactive features into your website. By leveraging popular plugins like xzoom,…
JavaScript Image Gallery with Thumbnails

JavaScript Image Gallery with Thumbnails

This JavaScript code snippet helps you to create an image gallery with thumbnails. Basically, it uses the jQuery gallery plugin to render images thumbnails and…